Two Bars of StardustSeptember 02, 2017Bon Iver, Jay Som, Slothrust, Oh Pep!Comment This Week in Retrospect: Sayonara, August iI's been quite a week. Actually, it's been quite a month. One good hell of a month... Two Bars of StardustSeptember 02, 2017Bon Iver, Jay Som, Slothrust, Oh Pep!Comment
Track of the DayTwo Bars of StardustMarch 13, 2017Oh Pep!Comment Track of the Day | Oh Pep! "Doctor Doctor" "I know what I want and it's not what I need." This line sunk its teeth in and became a mantra of mine for the greater part of last year... Track of the DayTwo Bars of StardustMarch 13, 2017Oh Pep!Comment