Cold War Kids | Bulldozer
In college, my roommate shared Cold War Kids' album Mine is Yours with me and I quickly became hooked. Their hit "Hang Me Up To Dry" had always been a favorite of mine but once I was introduced to this album, I was fully reeled in. While I was initially drawn to Nathan Willett's writing style, over time, I came to see that it was also Matt Aveiro drumming that kept me coming back to their songs.
One of my favorite Cold War Kids tracks is "Bulldozer" off the above mentioned album. More specifically, I love the drums during the bridge.
When Cold War Kids released their latest album, Hold My Home, it felt different; it felt lacking. Part of it was a shift in the lyrical content which felt vapid and shallow, lacking a heartbeat to connect with. The other part was the departure of Aveiro.
While the reason for his departure remains unclear, the effects of such are palpable. As a whole, the drums on Hold My Home are much simpler and pared down to the point of which they're just, simply, bland. I miss the embellishment and intricacies of Aveiro's style; the liveliness of his rhythms that always got me grooving. When he plays, the drums feel prominent though never overbearing.
You can take a listen to "Bulldozer" here:
Other favorites include "Robbers," "Loner Phase" and "Bitter Poem."